Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntervalList

Uses of IntervalList in jebl.evolution.coalescent

Classes in jebl.evolution.coalescent that implement IntervalList
 class Intervals
          A concrete class for a set of coalescent intevals.

Methods in jebl.evolution.coalescent with parameters of type IntervalList
static double Coalescent.calculateAnalyticalLogLikelihood(IntervalList intervals)
          Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals, using an analytical integration over theta.
static double Coalescent.calculateLogLikelihood(IntervalList intervals, DemographicFunction demographicFunction)
          Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals, given a demographic model.
static int IntervalList.Utils.getLineageCount(IntervalList intervals, double t)

Constructors in jebl.evolution.coalescent with parameters of type IntervalList
Coalescent(IntervalList intervals, DemographicFunction demographicFunction)