Uses of Class

Packages that use Scores
jebl.evolution.align Provides classes and interfaces for pairwise alignment of two sequences. 

Uses of Scores in jebl.evolution.align

Methods in jebl.evolution.align that return Scores
 Scores BartonSternberg.getEstimatedScores()

Methods in jebl.evolution.align with parameters of type Scores
static float ProfileCharacter.score(ProfileCharacter character1, ProfileCharacter character2, Scores scores)
static float ProfileCharacter.scoreSelf(ProfileCharacter character, Scores scores)
 void Align.setScores(Scores sub)

Constructors in jebl.evolution.align with parameters of type Scores
Align(Scores sub, float d)
BartonSternberg(Scores scores, float gapOpen, float gapExtend, int refinementIterations, boolean freeGapsAtEnds, boolean fastGuide)
MaximalSegmentPair(Scores sub)
NeedlemanWunsch(Scores sub, float d)
NeedlemanWunschAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e)
NeedlemanWunschLinearSpace(Scores sub, float d)
NeedlemanWunschLinearSpaceAffine(Scores sub, float openGapPenalty, float extendGapPenalty)
NeedlemanWunschLinearSpaceAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e, boolean freeGapsAtEnds)
NeedlemanWunschLinearSpaceAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e, boolean freeGapsAtEnds, boolean applyGapExtendCostToFirstGapResidue)
NonOverlapMultipleLocalAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e, int T)
OldNeedlemanWunschAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e)
OverlapAlign(Scores sub, float d)
SmithWaterman(Scores sub, float d)
SmithWatermanLinearSpace(Scores sub, float d)
SmithWatermanLinearSpaceAffine(Scores sub, float d, float e)

Uses of Scores in jebl.evolution.align.scores

Subclasses of Scores in jebl.evolution.align.scores
 class AminoAcidScores
 class Blosum45
 class Blosum50
 class Blosum55
 class Blosum60
 class Blosum62
 class Blosum65
 class Blosum70
 class Blosum75
 class Blosum80
 class Blosum85
 class Blosum90
 class Hamming
 class JukesCantor
          Jukes Cantor assumes equal substitution frequencies and equal nucleotide equilibrium frequencies.
 class NucleotideScores
 class Pam100
 class Pam110
 class Pam120
 class Pam130
 class Pam140
 class Pam150
 class Pam160
 class Pam170
 class Pam180
 class Pam190
 class Pam200
 class Pam210
 class Pam220
 class Pam230
 class Pam240
 class Pam250
 class SubstScoreMatrix

Methods in jebl.evolution.align.scores that return Scores
static Scores Scores.duplicate(Scores scores)
static Scores ScoresFactory.generateScores(String nameVal)
          For any matrix.
static Scores ScoresFactory.generateScores(String name, float val)
          For calculated nucleotide matrices.
static Scores ScoresFactory.generateScores(String name, int val)
          For Blosum and Pam matrices
static Scores Scores.includeAdditionalCharacters(Scores scores, String characters)
          includes additional characters in the score matrix which will all have scored zero when compared to other characters.
static Scores Scores.includeGaps(Scores scores, float gapVersusResidueCost, float gapVersusGapCost)

Methods in jebl.evolution.align.scores with parameters of type Scores
static Scores Scores.duplicate(Scores scores)
static Scores Scores.includeAdditionalCharacters(Scores scores, String characters)
          includes additional characters in the score matrix which will all have scored zero when compared to other characters.
static Scores Scores.includeGaps(Scores scores, float gapVersusResidueCost, float gapVersusGapCost)

Constructors in jebl.evolution.align.scores with parameters of type Scores
NucleotideScores(Scores scores, double percentmatches)