Uses of Class

Packages that use State

Uses of State in jebl.evolution.alignments

Methods in jebl.evolution.alignments that return State
static State[] ConsensusSequence.constructConsensus(Alignment source)
 State Pattern.getMostFrequentState()
          Returns the most frequent state in this pattern
 State ConsensusSequence.getState(int site)
 State Pattern.getState(int index)
          Get the state for the ith taxon
 State[] ConsensusSequence.getStates()

Methods in jebl.evolution.alignments that return types with arguments of type State
 List<State> Pattern.getStates()
 Set<State> Pattern.getStateSet()

Methods in jebl.evolution.alignments with parameters of type State
 double Pattern.getStateFrequency(State state)
          Returns the frequent of the given state in this pattern

Uses of State in jebl.evolution.parsimony

Methods in jebl.evolution.parsimony that return State
 State[] FitchParsimony.getStates(Tree tree, Node node)
          Returns the reconstructed character states for a given node in the tree.
 State[] ParsimonyCriterion.getStates(Tree tree, Node node)
          Returns the reconstructed character states for a given node in the tree.

Uses of State in jebl.evolution.sequences

Subclasses of State in jebl.evolution.sequences
 class AminoAcidState
 class CodonState
 class NucleotideState

Methods in jebl.evolution.sequences that return State
protected abstract  State[] FilteredSequence.filterSequence(Sequence source)
protected  State[] GaplessSequence.filterSequence(Sequence source)
protected  State[] TranslatedSequence.filterSequence(Sequence source)
 State SequenceType.getGapState()
          Get state corresponding to a gap
 State SequenceType.getState(char code)
 State BasicSequence.getState(int site)
 State FilteredSequence.getState(int site)
 State Sequence.getState(int site)
 State SequenceType.getState(int index)
          Get state corresponding to a state index
 State SequenceType.getState(String code)
          Get state corresponding to a string code
 State[] BasicSequence.getStates()
 State[] FilteredSequence.getStates()
 State[] Sequence.getStates()
 State SequenceType.getUnknownState()
          Get state corresponding to an unknown
static State[] Utils.reverse(State[] sequence)
static State[] Utils.stripGaps(State[] sequence)
 State[] SequenceType.toStateArray(byte[] indexArray)
          Converts an array of state indices into an array of State objects for this SequenceType
 State[] SequenceType.toStateArray(String sequenceString)
          Converts a string of state codes into an array of State objects for this SequenceType

Methods in jebl.evolution.sequences that return types with arguments of type State
static List<State> AminoAcids.getCanonicalStates()
static List<State> Codons.getCanonicalStates()
 List<? extends State> SequenceType.getCanonicalStates()
          Get a list of canonical states ordered by their indices.
 Set<State> State.getCanonicalStates()
static List<State> Codons.getStates()
static List<State> Nucleotides.getStates()
 List<? extends State> SequenceType.getStates()
          Get a list of states ordered by their indices.
 Set<State> StateClassification.getStateSet(String setName)
 Set<State> StateClassification.Default.getStateSet(String setName)

Methods in jebl.evolution.sequences with parameters of type State
 String StateClassification.getSetName(State state)
 String StateClassification.Default.getSetName(State state)
static byte[] Utils.getStateIndices(State[] sequence)
static boolean Nucleotides.isATstate(State state)
 boolean SequenceType.isGap(State state)
static boolean Nucleotides.isGCstate(State state)
static boolean Nucleotides.isPurine(State state)
static boolean Nucleotides.isPyrimidine(State state)
static boolean Nucleotides.isTransition(State state1, State state2)
static boolean Nucleotides.isTransversion(State state1, State state2)
 boolean SequenceType.isUnknown(State state)
 boolean State.possiblyEqual(State other)
static State[] Utils.reverse(State[] sequence)
static State[] Utils.stripGaps(State[] sequence)
static AminoAcidState[] Utils.translate(State[] states, GeneticCode geneticCode)

Constructors in jebl.evolution.sequences with parameters of type State
BasicSequence(SequenceType sequenceType, Taxon taxon, State[] states)
          Creates a sequence with a name corresponding to the taxon name
StateClassification.Default(String name, String[] setNames, State[][] stateSets)