Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tree
jebl.evolution.align Provides classes and interfaces for pairwise alignment of two sequences.   

Uses of Tree in jebl.evolution.align

Fields in jebl.evolution.align declared as Tree
 Tree AlignmentTreeBuilderFactory.Result.tree

Uses of Tree in

Methods in that return Tree
 Tree NewickImporter.importNextTree()
 Tree NexusImporter.importNextTree()
          import the next tree.
 Tree TreeImporter.importNextTree()
          Import a single tree

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Tree
 List<Tree> NewickImporter.importTrees()
 List<Tree> NexusImporter.importTrees()
 List<Tree> TreeImporter.importTrees()
          Import all the trees
 Iterator<Tree> NewickImporter.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over a set of elements of type T.
 Iterator<Tree> NexusImporter.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over a set of elements of type T.
 List<Tree> NexusImporter.parseTreesBlock(List<Taxon> taxonList)
          Parses a 'TREES' block.

Methods in with parameters of type Tree
 void NewickExporter.exportTree(Tree tree)
          Export a single tree
 void NexusExporter.exportTree(Tree tree)
          Export a single tree
 void TreeExporter.exportTree(Tree tree)
          Export a single tree

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Tree
 void NewickExporter.exportTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)
          Export a collection of trees
 void NexusExporter.exportTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)
          export trees
 void TreeExporter.exportTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)
          Export a collection of trees
 void NexusExporter.exportTreesWithTranslation(Collection<? extends Tree> trees, Map<String,String> t)

Uses of Tree in jebl.evolution.parsimony

Methods in jebl.evolution.parsimony with parameters of type Tree
 double FitchParsimony.getScore(Tree tree)
 double ParsimonyCriterion.getScore(Tree tree)
          Calculates the minimum number of steps for the parsimony reconstruction for the given tree.
 double[] FitchParsimony.getSiteScores(Tree tree)
          Calculates the minimum number of siteScores for the parsimony reconstruction of a a set of character patterns on a tree.
 double[] ParsimonyCriterion.getSiteScores(Tree tree)
          Calculates the minimum number of steps for the parsimony reconstruction for the given tree.
 State[] FitchParsimony.getStates(Tree tree, Node node)
          Returns the reconstructed character states for a given node in the tree.
 State[] ParsimonyCriterion.getStates(Tree tree, Node node)
          Returns the reconstructed character states for a given node in the tree.

Uses of Tree in jebl.evolution.trees

Classes in jebl.evolution.trees with type parameters of type Tree
 class ClusteringTreeBuilder<T extends Tree>
          An abstract base class for clustering algorithms from pairwise distances
 class ConsensusTreeBuilder<T extends Tree>
          Build a consensus tree for a set of trees.
 interface TreeBuilder<T extends Tree>

Subinterfaces of Tree in jebl.evolution.trees
 interface RootedTree
          A tree with a root (node with maximum height).

Classes in jebl.evolution.trees that implement Tree
 class CompactRootedTree
          A memory efficient rooted tree.
 class FilteredRootedTree
 class MutableRootedTree
          A simple rooted tree providing some ability to manipulate the tree.
 class RootedFromUnrooted
          Root an unrooted tree.
 class SimpleRootedTree
          A simple, and initially immutable rooted tree implementation.
 class SimpleTree
          A basic implementation on an unrooted tree.
 class SortedRootedTree
 class TransformedRootedTree
          This RootedTree class wraps another RootedTree and transforms the branch lengths and node heights using various functions.

Methods in jebl.evolution.trees that return Tree
protected  Tree NeighborJoiningTreeBuilder.getTree()
 Tree TreeSimulator.simulate()
 Tree TreeSimulator.simulate(boolean medianHeights)

Methods in jebl.evolution.trees with parameters of type Tree
static String[] Utils.asText(Tree tree, int widthGuide)
static ConsensusTreeBuilder TreeBuilderFactory.buildRooted(Tree[] trees, double supportThreshold, TreeBuilderFactory.ConsensusMethod method)
          convenience method.
static ConsensusTreeBuilder TreeBuilderFactory.buildUnRooted(Tree[] trees, Taxon outGroup, double supportThreshold, TreeBuilderFactory.ConsensusMethod method)
 Node SimpleRootedTree.createNodes(Tree tree, Node parent, Node child)
          Clones the entire tree structure from the given (unrooted) Tree.
static double Utils.getPathLength(Tree tree, Node node1, Node node2)
static void SplitUtils.getSplit(List<Taxon> taxa, Tree tree, Edge edge, boolean[] split)
          get split for branch associated with internal node
static SplitSystem SplitUtils.getSplits(List<Taxon> taxa, Tree tree)
          creates a split system from a tree (using a pre-specified order of sequences)
static SplitSystem SplitUtils.getSplits(Tree tree)
          creates a split system from a tree (using tree-induced order of sequences)
static RootedTree Utils.rootTheTree(Tree tree)
          Return a rooted tree from any tree.
static RootedTree Utils.rootTreeAtCenter(Tree tree)

Constructors in jebl.evolution.trees with parameters of type Tree
MRCACConsensusTreeBuilder(Tree[] trees, double supportThreshold)
MRCACConsensusTreeBuilder(Tree[] trees, double supportThreshold, String supportAttributeName, boolean asPercent)
MutableRootedTree(Tree tree, Node outGroup)
          Construct a rooted tree from unrooted.
RootedFromUnrooted(Tree source, Node root, boolean intent)
          Root tree source at root.
RootedFromUnrooted(Tree source, Node left, Node right, double fromLeft)
          Root source by creating a new internal node whose children are (the adjacent) left and right.
SimpleRootedTree(Tree tree, Node ingroupNode, Node outgroupNode, double ingroupBranchLength)
          Make a copy of the given unrooted tree

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer with parameters of type Tree
 void MultipleTreeViewer.setTree(Tree tree)
 void TreeViewer.setTree(Tree tree)
 void TreeViewer.setTree(Tree inTree, int defaultLabelSize)

Method parameters in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer with type arguments of type Tree
 void MultipleTreeViewer.setTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)
 void MultipleTreeViewer.setTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees, int defaultLabelSize)

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev that return Tree
 Tree TreeViewer.getTree()

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev that return types with arguments of type Tree
 List<Tree> MultipleTreeViewer.getTrees()

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev with parameters of type Tree
protected  void MultipleTreeViewer.addTree(Tree tree)
 void MultipleTreeViewer.setTree(Tree tree)
 void TreeViewer.setTree(Tree tree)

Method parameters in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev with type arguments of type Tree
 void MultipleTreeViewer.addTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)
 void MultipleTreeViewer.setTrees(Collection<? extends Tree> trees)

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev.painters

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev.painters with parameters of type Tree
protected  String BasicLabelPainter.getLabel(Tree tree, Node node)
 void BasicLabelPainter.setupAttributes(Tree tree)
abstract  void LabelPainter.setupAttributes(Tree tree)
 void NodeBarPainter.setupAttributes(Tree tree)
 void NodeShapePainter.setupAttributes(Tree tree)
 void ScaleBarPainter.setupAttributes(Tree tree)

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev.treelayouts

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer_dev.treelayouts with parameters of type Tree
 void AbstractTreeLayout.setTree(Tree tree)
 void TreeLayout.setTree(Tree tree)
          Set the tree for the layout0

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer.decorators

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer.decorators with parameters of type Tree
 Paint AttributeBranchDecorator.getBranchPaint(Tree tree, Node node)
 Paint BranchDecorator.getBranchPaint(Tree tree, Node node)

Uses of Tree in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer.treelayouts

Methods in jebl.gui.trees.treeviewer.treelayouts with parameters of type Tree
 void AbstractTreeLayout.setTree(Tree tree)
 void TreeLayout.setTree(Tree tree)
          Set the tree for the layout0