Package jebl.evolution.trees

Interface Summary
RootedTree A tree with a root (node with maximum height).
Tree An unrooted tree.
TreeBuilder<T extends Tree>  

Class Summary
CladeSystem Stores a set of unique clades for a tree
ClusteringTreeBuilder<T extends Tree> An abstract base class for clustering algorithms from pairwise distances
CompactRootedTree A memory efficient rooted tree.
ConsensusTreeBuilder<T extends Tree> Build a consensus tree for a set of trees.
GreedyRootedConsensusTreeBuilder Date: 5/03/2006 Time: 09:40:18
GreedyUnrootedConsensusTreeBuilder Builds greedy consensus tree given a set of unrooted trees.
MRCACConsensusTreeBuilder Construct a consensus tree for a set of rooted trees.
MutableRootedTree A simple rooted tree providing some ability to manipulate the tree.
NeighborJoiningTreeBuilder Constructs an unrooted tree by neighbor-joining using pairwise distances.
RootedFromUnrooted Root an unrooted tree.
RootedTreeUtils Static utility functions for rooted trees.
SimpleRootedTree A simple, and initially immutable rooted tree implementation.
SimpleTree A basic implementation on an unrooted tree.
SplitSystem data structure for a set of splits
SplitUtils utilities for split systems
TransformedRootedTree This RootedTree class wraps another RootedTree and transforms the branch lengths and node heights using various functions.
TreeBuilderFactory A meeting point for tree building from sequence data.
TreeSimulator This class provides the framework for (backwards-through-time) tree simulation.
Utils A collection of utility functions for trees.

Enum Summary
ConsensusTreeBuilder.Method Supported consesus methods.
TreeBuilderFactory.ConsensusMethod Supported consensus methods.
TreeBuilderFactory.DistanceModel Supported pairwise distance methods
TreeBuilderFactory.Method Supported methods for tree building